Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Bonus - is it employee's right?

Kerja setahun lengkap contoh pada tahun 2015, then pada tahun 2016 mengambil keputusan untuk letak jawatan sebab terima tawaran kerja baru. Bayaran bonus bagi keuntungan yang dibuat syarikat dibuat pada bulan May 2016, tapi anda meletak jawatan pada April 2016 bermaksud bila bayaran bonus dibuat, anda masih lagi pekerja syarikat. Tapi bila tiba masa, check akaun gaji NO BONUS! As an employee, can we bark at this? Whole 2015, kita bekerja penat lelah, siang malam untuk syarikat.

So, this is what the Industrial Court says –

In the case of UMW Toyota (M) Sdn. Bhd. v. Chow Weng Thiem [1996] 5 MLJ 678, the High Court held as follows:
“A bonus is a gift or gratuity as a gesture of goodwill, and not enforceable, or it may be something which an employee is entitled to on the happening of a condition precedent and is enforceable when the condition is fulfilled. But in both cases it is something in addition to or in excess of that which is ordinarily received. Since bonus was a form of gratuitous payment of a discretionary nature, the respondent was not entitled to it as of right.”

So, apakah maksudnya? Unfortunately, pembayaran bonus adalah sentiasa tertakluk kepada budi bicara syarikat walaupun sebagai pekerja, kita telah bekerja setahun penuh pada tahun sebelumnya. There’s nothing that we can do about it except to appeal to the payout which most of the time will be rejected. BONUS IS THE DISCRETION OF THE COMPANY! 

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